Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Photographer: Leonora Jackeline Barrera _Writer: Raymond Waldrop

Wherefore art thou , Mysterious Man ?
Your Silhouette depicts a gun in you hand ,
As a pointed sharpened pain ,
I wonder if your purpose is total gain.

Guilt, madness undesirable grief, can , if not permit ,
Corrupt your past memorize; your future commits
The victims you harness , what if they fit
The dozen crimes , yours will be heard
As a jaunty tune from a decaying bird .

They label you  victimized;
Your body tells otherwise .
I wonder if your pleasure is pain ;
I wonder if violence is your game;
I wonder if you might soon so insane….

Countless victims, all in a row
Plundered neighborhoods, as you go,
Your shadow depicts a gun in your hand ,
Wherefore art thou, Mysterious Man ?

1 comment:

  1. Thank you, Leanora Barrera, for depicting my image with such prowess. I appreciate your insight in the photograph as well as your environment. Please feel free to comment on my photograph of yours as needed. Thank you!
